Gold Spot
Client: Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard
Agency: Teneo Ireland
135 Years in 60 seconds
To launch the simply golden Gold Spot, we were tasked with showing the 135 year journey through the history of the Mitchell family and Spot Whiskeys. We started this project with a script provided by Teneo, a wealth of archival images and mountains of information. We immersed ourselves in the Spot brand and the incredible history of the Mitchells. To inject a sense of colour and vibrancy while using archival imagery and video we employed a mixed media approach, mixing striking graphic design, archival imagery and new footage featuring Distiller Katherine Condon as well as Robert and Jonathan Mitchell.
Packed to the brim with dynamic camera moves, hand drawn animation, meticulously planned cuts and some post production trickery sets the piece apart from what you might expect from a heritage whiskey brand.
Director: Kevin Goss-Ross
DOP: Stephen Reynolds + Francois Gray
Camera Op: Stephen Reynolds + Francois Gray
Edit and Grade: Stephen Reynolds
VFX: Kevin Goss-Ross + Stephen Reynolds
Sound Design: Stephen Reynolds
Audio Mastering: Ciaran Keane
Typography: Thanks, You're Welcome
Voice-over: Breffni Holahan at Mutiny Studios
Agency: Teneo Ireland
Agency Producer: Naomi Moriarty
Copywriter: Rebekah Stacey
Account Manager: Lianne Murray